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Web site of the project: AMOCEAB_News-for-partners-webisteDownload AMOCEAB_News-for-partners-webiste.docx
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Giorno 30 Gennaio 2024 presso i locali del Dipartimento SIMAU avremo in visita il dott. Simon Joncourt dell’azienda SEECON (, partner del progetto HEU WATERUN. Il dott. Joncourt farà un seminario per la preparazione dell’evento di co-creation che verrà tenuto a Santiago De Compostela in Spagna e che sarà dedicato all’application tool che verrà sviluppata...
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12° International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM) The International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM) will have its twelfth edition in 2023. Since the previous edition, people’s life styles, production and consumption patterns and the global economy have changed dramatically. We are now struggling to understand the impacts of these trends on...
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The development and optimization of growth processes, that allow to control shape and size of theproduced nanostructures, is an aspect of major interest in material science and nanotechnology.Nanostructures with desired morphological, structural and chemical features exhibit specificproperties that can be exploited in several research fields, such as catalysis, photovoltaics and so on.In order to control,...
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