Nicola Generosi

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Telefono/ Phone:
+39 071 220 4412


Corinaldesi Valeria

“Studio di materiali compositi innovativi bio-based per applicazione nell’ambito dell’edilizia”. L’ambito del progetto di ricerca è la caratterizzazione chimico-fisica e meccanica di materiali compositi innovativi ottenuti impiegando materiali di scarto bio-based. La finalità è quella di valutare l’impatto del riuso dei materiali di scarto bio-based sulla proprietà finali del materiale composito in modo da poterne stabilire la fattibilità e la convenienza.

“Study of innovative bio-based composite materials for application in the building sector”. The aim of the research project is the chemical-physical and mechanical characterization of innovative composite materials obtained using bio-based waste materials. The scope is to evaluate the impact of the reuse of bio-based waste materials on the final properties of the composite material in order to establish its feasibility and convenience.

Short Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Diploma di Liceo Scientifico (86/100) c/o liceo Giacomo Leopardi di Recanati (MC), Luglio 2011;
Laurea triennale in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (95/110) c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche, Luglio 2016;
Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Civile (110/110 e Lode) c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche, Luglio 2019.
Dottorato in Ingegneria Industriale c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2019-2022

Relevant publications 

1 – N. Generosi, J.Donnini, V. Corinaldesi, “Characterization of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Tensile Behaviour”, Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and innovations, RILEM-fib International Symposium on FRC (BEFIB) in 2020.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58482-5_94

Abstract: Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) is considered a promising material for many applications where high compressive and tensile strength, small thickness and high energy absorption capacity are required. However, although these materials were introduced in the mid-1990s, a comprehensive investigation regarding its tensile characterization is still particularly challenging. Different tensile test setups have been used by many researchers, in order to obtain reliable results, but today there are currently no testing standards available that define test conditions, specimen geometry and analytical procedures to fully characterize the tensile properties of UHPFRC. In this study, the tensile behaviour of UHPFRC has been investigated with direct tensile tests on dog-bone specimens, using a gripping system with rotating boundary conditions. Tests have been performed in displacement control. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has been used to measure displacements, deformations, number and width of cracks in experimental testing. The effect of hooked steel fibers with diameter of 0.38 mm and length of 30 mm on the tensile behaviour of UHPFRC has been investigated, varying the amount of fibers from 0% up to 2.6% by volume. The fiber volume fraction greatly influences the tensile strength of the material, strain at peak strength, energy absorption capacity and post-cracking behaviour.

2 – N. Generosi, J.Donnini, G. Lancioni, V. Corinaldesi, “Flexural Behaviour of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Under Monotonic Loads and Loading-Unloading Cycles”, Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations II (2022).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-83719-8_78

Abstract:  Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) is an innovative material with great mechanical and durability performances, high ductility and toughness. Although the mechanical behaviour of UHPFRC has been extensively studied in the last years, the damage mechanisms and permanent strains of this material when subjected to flexural loads need to be further investigated, in order to quantify and to better predict the performance of UHPFRC structural elements.

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