“Giovanni Astengo” Urban and Territorial Planning and Design Laboratory

Full Professor, Ing. Fabio Bronzinihttp://www.univpm.it/fabio.bronzini 
Associate Professor, Ing. Maria Angela Bedini, http://www.univpm.it/maria.angela.bedini
Researcher, Arch. Giovanni Marinelli, Ph.D.,http://www.univpm.it/giovanni.marinelli
Researcher Fellow, Ing. Luca Domenella
Lecturers, Academic Year2017/18
Prof. Arch. Federico Oliva
Arch. Francesco Alberti
Guest Lecturers
Arch. Paolo Pasquini
Arch. Roberta Angelini
Arch. Giovanna Paci
Partnership/ contract
Civil and Criminal Court, Territorial Authorities, Municipalities, Trade Associations, Private Bodies, Companies.
The “Giovanni Astengo” Urban and Territorial Planning and Design Laboratory operates in the followingfields:
  1.  Projects for Minimum Urban Structures (SUM) at urban and territorial level for the protection and rebirth of territories subject to seismic, hydrogeological, environmental risks.
  2. Temporary urban planning projects in Municipalities affected by the earthquakes.
  3. Territorial and Municipal Urban Plans, General and Implementation Plans, Development Plans for Social Housing, Plans for Production Settlement, urban projects, project financing, Landscaping Plans, Plans for River and Mountain Parks.
  4. Judicial technical consultations for criminal and civil procedures in urbanism, infrastructures and buildings.
  5. Consulting and coordination for plans and projects for public areas.
  6.  Design of urban domotic areas systems, public area projects, with particular attention to removing architectural barriers, urban restyling projects, sharing design system and weak user and eco-friendly city concept.
  7. Coordination and supervision of working groups in the urban planning sector;
  8. Selection boards for project competitions in the urban planning sector.
  9. Support, to public and private bodies, for proposals to the Public Administrations, in the Urban Plans, of new areas for residential or productive use in environmental and ecological balance.
  10. Studies and research on the urban planning history of territories and cities with publications on printed and digital books.
  11. Urban and territorial marketing projects, hystorical heritage, cultural planning and circular economy.
  12. Shared urban planning design with policy makers and co-design process with citizens and stakeholders to define objectives andurban planning strategies, district regeneration, and urban development.