Maqbool Qaisar


Curriculum: Ingegneria dei materiali

Office Phone: 
+39 071 220 4414
Tittarelli Francesca


Tema di ricerca/Research topic:

IT.: Considerando l’espansione della popolazione umana in tutto il mondo, l’esaurimento delle risorse disponibili e l’aumento dell’inquinamento ambientale, vale la pena introdurre nuovi metodi di riciclaggio in grado di produrre materiali efficienti in termini di costi di prossima generazione. Il mio dottorato di ricerca il lavoro di ricerca è incentrato sulla “prossima generazione di materiali compositi per l’edilizia e le applicazioni ambientali attraverso l’approccio della chimica verde”.

EN.: Considering the expansion of the human population around the world, the depletion of available resources and the increase in environmental pollution, it is worth introducing new recycling methods that can produce next generation cost-efficient materials. My Ph.D. research work is focused on the “next generation of composite materials for building and environmental applications through the green chemistry approach”.

Short Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
IT.: Mi sono laureato in Biotecnologie MS con il premio di Medaglia d’Oro sulla prestazione distinta. Con una borsa di studio finanziata dal governo, ho iniziato la mia carriera di ricerca presso il “National Institute of Vacuum Science and Technology (NINVAST)”, Islamabad, e ho sviluppato la mia ricerca nel campo multidisciplinare della scienza dei materiali e dell’ingegneria. Nello stesso campo, uno dei miei articoli (Frontiers in plant science. 2016 31; 7: 1330.) Ha vinto il premio “Outstanding Research Paper of the Year” dalla Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan (marzo 2018). Sono entrato a far parte del dottorato di ricerca. programma presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche (DIISM) dell’Università Politecnica delle Marche. Il mio obiettivo era sviluppare materiali compositi ad alto costo di prossima generazione da materiali di scarto a basso costo per applicazioni edilizie e ambientali.
EN.: I graduated in MS Biotechnology with the Gold Medal Award on Distinguished Performance. With a government-funded scholarship, I began my research career at the “National Institute of Vacuum Science and Technology (NINVAST)”, Islamabad, and developed my research in the multidisciplinary field of materials science and engineering. . In the same field, one of my articles (Frontiers in plant science. 2016 31; 7: 1330.) won the “Outstanding Research Paper of the Year” award from the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan (March 2018). I joined the PhD. program at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM) of the Polytechnic University of Marche. My goal is to develop next generation high-cost composite materials from low-cost waste materials for construction and environmental applications.   
Relevant publications 
  1. Antimicrobial potential of green synthesized CeO2 nanoparticles from Olea europaea leaf extract. International journal of nanomedicine. 2016;11:5015. 
  2. Zinc impregnated cellulose nanocomposites: Synthesis, characterization and applications. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2016 Nov 1;98:174-82.
  3. The effect of green synthesized CuO nanoparticles on callogenesis and regeneration of Oryza sativa L. Frontiers in plant science. 2016 Aug 31;7:1330. (“Outstanding Research Paper of the Year Award” by HEC, 2018)
  4. ROS mediated malignancy cure performance of morphological, optical, and electrically tuned Sn doped CeO2 nanostructures. AIP Advances. 2017 Sep 7;7(9):095205.
  5. Future of Nanofertilizer. In Nanotechnology for Agriculture: Crop Production & Protection 2019 (pp. 143-152). Springer, Singapore. (Equal Contribution with First Author)