Narimane Hassaine

Ufficio/ Room:
Q155_ 179a, building 2

Telefono/ Phone:


Lucchetta Daniele Eugenio

DOTTORANDA XL CICLO –  Ingegneria Industriale
Curriculum: Ingegneria Meccanica

Short Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

Pubblicazioni/ Publications

  • Authors : Narimane Hassaine, Noureddine Touat, Mustapha Dahak, Ahmed Fellah , and Ahmed Saimi
     Title: Study of crack’s effect on the natural frequencies of bi-directional functionally graded beam, Journal Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2023, :

Conferenze e seminari / Conferences and Seminars

  • Intentional conference – conference  (CME2022) Author: hassaine narimane / co- authors : Touat Noureddine and Dahak Mustapha / title : vibration analysis of cracked beam ,[ 2022 ] Ecole Militaire Polytechnique,Algeria
  • Intentional conference – conference (MAT SCIENCE-2022) Author: hassaine narimane / co- authors : Touat Noureddine and Fellah ahmed / title : study of the vibrational behaviour of functionally graded cracked beam, [ 2022 ] Abbes Laghrour University ,Algeria .
  • Intentional conference – conference (ICMSA-2023) Author: hassaine narimane / co- authors : Fellah ahmed and chaterbache omar / title : Identification of cracks in functionally graded material beams using the h- version of finite element [ 2023 ] Abbes Laghrour University ,Algeria .
  • National conference – conference (ICMSA-2024) Author: hassaine narimane / co- authors: Dahak Mustapha / title : sumilation of cracked FGM beam by Finite Element Methods , National High School of Advanced Technology (ENSTA), Algeria

Useful links
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