Department News


Lo spirito fondatore dell’Associazione Italiana di Chimica per l’Ingegneria (AICIng) è volto a favorire l’incontro fra i propri docenti e i giovani (ricercatori, dottorandi, post-doc e assegnisti). In particolare, vengono organizzati congressi e workshop biennali al fine di promuovere la circolazione di idee e favorire un arricchimento culturale e scientifico su argomenti di carattere trasversale....
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On the ongoing challenges in circular economy areas in Italy and Poland. Seminar_25May_aula-145-3Download
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On Thursday 19th May 2022 there was the final from the contamination Lab-UNIVPM 8th Edition. The different teams were able to present their ideas to a jury qualified in related subject. Team GREEN-MADE led by Ph.D. Student Qaisar Maqbool (Dipartimento di Scienze e Ingegneria della Materia, dell’Ambiente ed Urbanistica) were among the winners. As a...
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About InnoRenew CoE – an independent research institute established in 2017 in Slovenia. Researchtargets are renewable materials and sustainable buildings, specifically innovative approaches towood and its use, with the goal of transferring scientific knowledge into industrial practice. Conference-Flyer-TemplateDownload
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The detection of molecules or viruses in low concentrations regimes is a critical requirement in the field of diagnostics and biomedical research. Such challenge is the goal of the so called “digital” technologies applied to biosensors which is now, after the insurgence of SARS-CoV-2, of key interest for point-of-care and clinical diagnostic applications. Analogously to...
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Waste management (WM) represents a cornerstone in the effort to preserve Mediterranean citiesand guarantee a healthy living environment for communities. Municipal WM, which represents a big challenge for the area, is directly affected by population growth and concentration,urbanization and tourism. The growth limits faced in the MED cities call for smart, sustainable, and inclusive urban...
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Il progetto Life Blue Lakes intende affrontare il problema delle microplastiche nei laghi attraverso una serie di azioni di governance, formazione, informazione e sensibilizzazione indirizzate a istituzioni, stakeholders e cittadinanza. Le principali azioni di progetto saranno realizzate nei laghi di Garda, Bracciano, Trasimeno e Castreccioni in Italia e in quelli di Costanza e Chiemsee in Germania. Altre...
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Logo Ultimate
ULTIMATE (indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATEr society) promuoverà la cooperazione sinergica tra l’industria e il settore idrico per un funzionamento intelligente ed efficiente dei processi relativi all’acqua. Ciò avverrà attraverso l’istituzione di simbiosi (“Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis” (WSIS)) tra diversi settori e fornitori di servizi, con l’obiettivo di utilizzare e riutilizzare congiuntamente acqua,...
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The solutions proposed in ITHACA originate from networking and scientific activities developed thanks to the CA15102 Action CRM-EXTREME, which has seed the initial catalytic nucleus contributing to the success of two related H2020 projects, MONAMIX and EQUINOX, and of a bilateral Greece-Israel industrial R&D project, Euro6cat. The scientific focus of ITHACA will be on the...
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