Department News


La rivista Nature Physics ha pubblicato il 9 novembre 2023 i risultati di una ricerca svolta da un gruppo internazionale di docenti e ricercatori che vede coinvolta la Professoressa Liana Lucchetti, membro del SIMAU e docente di Fisica sperimentale, in collaborazione con docenti e ricercatori dell’Università Statale di Milano e dell’Università di Boulder (Colorado). La...
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Molecular imaging is an attractive technology that is widely used in clinical practice and greatly improves the understanding for the assessment of body functions and for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It is a multidisciplinary technique that defines in vivo characterization and qualification of biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels. Among all...
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In data 20 settembre 2023 in occasione del Congresso congiunto SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV tenutosi a Potenza (PZ) il Dott. Davide Fronzi è stato premiato durante la sessione Groundwater sustainability and water-energy-food nexus dal Comitato Italiano IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists) e il CNR-IGAG (Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria). Il premio “Giovanni Maria Zuppi”...
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ICEEM 12 (PRESS RELEASE)  September 2023 The Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, from the Cristofor Simionescu Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, of the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi organizes the 12th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management –ICEEM12, between 13th and 16th September 2023 in Iasi, Romania. This edition is...
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Descrizione evento
On June 1st, 2023, Prof. Sabbah will present his research activities on “Physico-chemical and biological aspects for the improvement of biogas production and upgrading” Room 155/1 at 14.30.For further information: 0712204911-0712204530;; Prof. Isam Sabbah- Associate Professor at the Prof. Ephraim Katzir Department of Biotechnology Engineering at Braude College and Senior Researcher at the...
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Seminario organizzato nell’ambito del corso di Chimica per Bioingegneria per la laurea in Ingegneria Biomedica, aperto a tutti gli interessati. Seminario-Zampa-FrancescoDownload
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Recently, both academic research and engineering activities have shifted toward the development of sustainable and environmentally benign polymers to reduce environmental pollution, mainly due to the high impact of plastic wastes and plastic leakage on the ecosystems. Several limitations and regulations regarding traditional petrochemical polymers also represent the main driving forces for the design and...
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This lecture will briefly summarizes the state-of-the art developments in radiation detectors used in Nuclear Medicine instrumentation regarding various detector technologies and designs of different geometries. Preclinical “low cost” imaging systems, very high-resolution research applications (including small-animal imaging), and MR combined systems will also be discussed. Options of new bright scintillators and photodetectors will be...
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Medical imaging is indicated for human pathological (anatomical and physiological) investigations and its effectiveness is attributed to the differences in tissue of radiation attenuation and to the capability of the detective system to transform radiation to visible signals, to create an image and finally to proceed to a specific diagnostic task. Every single system involved...
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Water scarcity is a worldwide problem. Particularly, it affects at least 11% of the European population and17% of the EU territory. In the Mediterranean region 20% of the population lives under constant water stress, that becomes over 50% in summer. The EU’s ability to respond to the increasing pressures on water resources could be improved...
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