Department News


Seminario organizzato nell’ambito del corso di Chimica per Bioingegneria per la laurea in Ingegneria Biomedica, aperto a tutti gli interessati. Seminario-Zampa-FrancescoDownload
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Recently, both academic research and engineering activities have shifted toward the development of sustainable and environmentally benign polymers to reduce environmental pollution, mainly due to the high impact of plastic wastes and plastic leakage on the ecosystems. Several limitations and regulations regarding traditional petrochemical polymers also represent the main driving forces for the design and...
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This lecture will briefly summarizes the state-of-the art developments in radiation detectors used in Nuclear Medicine instrumentation regarding various detector technologies and designs of different geometries. Preclinical “low cost” imaging systems, very high-resolution research applications (including small-animal imaging), and MR combined systems will also be discussed. Options of new bright scintillators and photodetectors will be...
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Medical imaging is indicated for human pathological (anatomical and physiological) investigations and its effectiveness is attributed to the differences in tissue of radiation attenuation and to the capability of the detective system to transform radiation to visible signals, to create an image and finally to proceed to a specific diagnostic task. Every single system involved...
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Water scarcity is a worldwide problem. Particularly, it affects at least 11% of the European population and17% of the EU territory. In the Mediterranean region 20% of the population lives under constant water stress, that becomes over 50% in summer. The EU’s ability to respond to the increasing pressures on water resources could be improved...
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The recent discovery (dated July 2020) of the ferroelectric nematic phase opened a new chapter not only for the liquid crystal community, but in the whole condensed-matter physics. Beside adding a new, very peculiar, member to the group of ferroelectric materials, the new phase offers a broad range of physical effects to explore ranging from...
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Abstract Numerical models for the quantification and management of groundwater fluxes in aquifers have been more and more frequently applied since the advent of computers and their continually increased computational capabilities. Nowadays, groundwater numerical models are pivotal tools to manage groundwater resources, and to forecast the possible impacts of management practices. The broad availability of...
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Two examples of magnetic materials with zero or low critical raw material content of interest for new generation permanent magnets and advanced electronic devices will be reported in this conference. A novel, effective and high-promising chemical synthesis route will be discussed for the preparation of magnetically hard L10-FeNi alloys made of abundant and easily recyclable...
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Over the last 50 years, biomaterials, prostheses and implants saved and prolonged the life of millions of humans around the globe. Today, nano-biotechnology, nanomaterials and surface modifications provides a new insight to the current problem of biomaterial complications, and even allows us to envisage strategies for the organ shortage. In this talk, creative strategies for...
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The development and optimization of growth processes, that allow to control shape and size of theproduced nanostructures, is an aspect of major interest in material science and nanotechnology.Nanostructures with desired morphological, structural and chemical features exhibit specificproperties that can be exploited in several research fields, such as catalysis, photovoltaics and so on.In order to control,...
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