Urban and Regional Planning

Research activity, selected and funded by UNIVPM: Impact of the environment on genes and gene expression. High resolution snapshot of genomes living in polluted environments”, DiSCliMO – Department of Medical and Molecular Sciences, Prof. Armando Gabrielli (research unit coordinator); SIMAU -Department of Materials, Environmental Sciences and Urban Planning, Prof. Fabio Bronzini (research unit coordinator); DM – Department of Management, Prof. Stefano Marasca (research unit coordinator)
Research activities in the field of the processes of rebirth and resilience of the urban areas affected by the earthquake, with publication of the results in A-level international journals: Land Use Policy, Planning Practice & Research, Archive of Urban and Regional Studies, Territory, etc.
As part of the research activity at the service of the territory, the following are still ongoing:
  • Research activity fundend by the Municipality of Caldarola “Guidelines and proposals for the drafting of the Document Director of Reconstruction (DDR)” and for the “Implementation plan of reconstruction”.
  • Research activity currently being financed at the Municipality of Visso.
  • Research activity currently being financed at the Municipality of Belforte del Chienti.
Research activity carried out in previous years:
  • Projects funded by the Marche Region, presented at the Shanghai World Expo, as part of the Region-University Delegation, at the Urban Redevelopment table for the presentation of proposals for urban regeneration and recovery to be implemented in the city of Nanjing.
  • Operational support, funded by Rector Sauro Longhi, in Nanjing; referent Prof. Ms. Yang Weiju, Southeast University Nanjing, China, on the theme of the Urban Project and the regeneration processes of the contemporary city entitled “Methodologies and Technologies for the creation of highly sustainable environments for Public Spaces in the Contemporary city”.
  • Activity carried out on behalf of the collective ownership of the CUM and the municipalities of Basso Ferrarese in the Po Delta Park.
  • Project of panels presented in the international workshop at Southeast University, School of Architecture, Nanjing for inter-university training in China in 2012-2014, referents: Prof. Wei Dong, Hong Zhang, Hequn Min, Wang Longbo, Ding Feng, and in Europe at HafenCity University Hamburg – Department Urban Design and District Planning; Institute for Sustainable Urbanism – TU Braunschweig and the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ULPGC – Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación
The research activity is carried out in collaboration with: Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, trade associations, public and private bodies
Description of the offered activity:
  1. Projects for Minimal Urban Structures (SUM) at urban and territorial level for the protection and revitalization of territories subject to seismic, hydrogeological and environmental risks.
  2. Temporary Urban Planning Projects in Municipalities affected by earthquakes.
  3. Territorial and Urban Plans, Implementation Plans, Lotting Plans, Plans for Productive Settlements and Service to Industries, Urban Projects, project financing, Landscape Plans, River and Mountain Park Plans.
  4. Advice and coordination for the drafting and evaluation of plans and projects for public areas.
  5. Design of urban home automation systems, projects of public areas, with particular attention to overcoming barriers.
  6. Coordination and supervision of working groups in the urban planning sector.
  7. Consultancy, to public and private bodies, for the formalization of proposals to public administrations for the inclusion, in Urban Plans, of new areas for residential or productive use.
  8. Studies and research on the urban history of municipalities, territories and cities with publications of volumes on urban history.
  9. Urban and territorial marketing projects at national and international level.
  10. Definition of participatory urban planning procedures, with the organization and management of the consultation of citizens and trade associations, aimed at determining urban development models, objectives and strategies functional to the drafting of new urban plans and their variants.
Referent for the Urban and Regional Planning Area: Prof. Eng. Maria Angela Bedini
Referent for the Area at the Simau Scientific Council: Dr. Arch. Giovanni Marinelli, Ph.D.
Collaborator: Dr. Arch. Roberta Angelini, Vice-President of INU Marche.
The Research Activity relies on the contribution of the “Giovanni Astengo” Urban and Territorial Planning and Design Laboratory, belonging to the ICAR/20 Urban and Regional Planning Area at the SIMAU Department, whose scientific director is the Researcher arch. Giovanni Marinelli.