Fractured and porous rocks hydrogeology

Working Group
Torquato Nanni, Paola Maria Vivalda, Alberto Tazioli, Davide Fronzi, Stefano Palpacelli
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; University of Rome, La Sapienza; University of Perugia; Nat. Research Council of Italy (CNR) Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG);Consorzio idrico del Piceno (CIIP)
The principal aim is the definition of properties of groundwater, flowpaths, recharge mechanism and water quality, applied both to alluvial plain aquifers and to carbonatic aquifers.

Porous alluvial aquifers:

  • the geological evolution of plains
  • the geometry of alluvial deposits and geological substratum
  • the river/groundwater relation

Fractured aquifers:

  • groundwater circulation
  • groundwater resources in aquifers
  • hydrogeological balance
  • hydrogeological survey
  • springs, rivers and wells monitoring
  • artificial tracers and natural isotope techniques

The results achieved in the last years allowed for the improvement of knowledge of hydrogeological setting of the central Apennines, leading to a correct management of water resources and correct selection of sites suitable for water tapping.