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Welcome to the website of the Department of Science and Engineering of Matter, Environment and Urban Planning (SIMAU) 

Established in July 2011 with the aim of bringing together in a single structure different expertised capable of contributing to a high-level teaching and high-profile international research in the field of materials and environmental science and engineering, the Department of Science and Engineering of Matter, Environment and Urban Planning (SIMAU) gathers teachers from both basic disciplinary areas (hard sciences), such as Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences, and more specific and applied ones, such as Materials, Geotechnics, Geology, Environmental Engineering and Urban Planning. 

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FONDAZIONE MARCO FILENI – Borse di Studio Edizione 2024-2025

 E’ ufficialmente aperto il nuovo Bando 2024-2025 relativo all’erogazione delle Borse di studio della Fondazione Marco Fileni. L’iniziativa prevede l’erogazione di 20 borse di studio per un valore complessivo di 30.000 € così distribuite: 10 borse di studio, del valore di 500 euro ciascuna, per gli studenti delle Scuole Superiori iscritti a istituti diurni, statali, o legalmente riconosciuti...
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